Office located in the Wal-Mart Vision Center

We offer the services of a larger eye clinic with the personal and friendly touches of a neighborhood office!

News & Promotions

10 Eye-Opening Eye Facts
September 11, 2024
1. Vision is so important to humans that almost half of your brain’s capacity is dedicated to visual perception.2. The most active muscles in your body are the muscles that move your eyes.3. The surface...

Featured Monthly Video

You’ve been diagnosed with a cataract and you’ve been told you should have cataract surgery. The surgeon is also telling you that you should consider paying extra out-of-pocket for it.

Where did this come from? Why should you have to pay...

Here are some treatment options for Dry and Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration.

Nutritional supplements and Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) showed that people at high risk of...

Our Services

  • Complete Eye Care Services
  • Contact Lenses
  • Custom and Bifocal Lenses
  • Dry Eye Treatment
  • Glaucoma and Cataract Evaluations
  • Medical Eye Exams
  • Pre & Post Eye Surgery Treatment
  • Retinal Scans
  • MacuLogix for Early Macular Degeneration (AMD) Detection

Featured Video Education

Take a moment to watch the following videos featuring our latest eye health tips, products, and office technology! We welcome you to visit our video education library as well, which has many more informational videos. If you have questions at any time, be sure to contact us. We'd love to help!

Dry Eye

Dry Eye Syndrome



Visit Our Video Education Library